Posted by: zebe912 | February 19, 2008

What’s in a name?

My sister LD, the hard core baker of the family, is thinking of starting a blog too. But she’s stuck on a name. She is kind of thinking that her blog name would also be the name for her cake business that she’s been doing on the side. My inspiration appears to be at a standstill right now, so I figured I’d reach out to all of you creative geniuses to see if we can come up with some ideas for her.

So, lets see. She loves to bake and wants to take pastry classes and open a bakery someday. For now though, she’s a horticulturist by day/summer, and grows native Michigan wildflowers (which is a pretty cool thing to do too). She also sews, knits, and dances. (Funny, I feel like I’m writing about myself.) During the winter she works at a sugarbush supply company that sells supplies for making maple syrup (which our family/dad does in Feb./March). If this link will work, here are some of the cakes she’s done.

So, all that being said, do you have any ideas for blog/business names?

If we get a winning suggestion, I’m pretty sure there might be some treats involved.


  1. ::ears perk up::

    Treats? okie! Here are some of my recs…

    For the love of flowers and cakes
    Gardener by Day Baker by Night
    Crafty Flowers and Cakes

    Thats all I got right now. I’ll comment when I think of more! 🙂

  2. What about CakeFlower?

  3. ^ that is so cute! as in flower = flour. love it!

  4. What about Growing Goodies?

  5. Or Goody Garden? Gumdrops and Gardens? I’m thinking candyland right now for some reason…

  6. Wow, her cakes are awesome!

    Hmm… suggestions… hmm…

    Sweet sensations
    Confectionery delights
    Designer desserts
    Creative cakes
    Desserts in Bloom

    I may think of some more, but I guess those are a few random thoughts.

  7. Hmm…lots of good suggestions. Nothing is jumping out as “the name” yet. but I do like CakeFlower (though I didn’t catch the flower/flour till CB mentioned it) and Desserts in Bloom. It all feels like a little false advertising though—I love cakes, and I love flowers, but I stink at making flowers for cakes! Thanks for all the ideas!

  8. DaisyCakes Design has been stuck in my head for a couple of days, but I also like Cake Flower Design or Cake Flower Creations.

    Regardless, I think we need to be a contestant on the Food Channel Extreme Cakes Challenge!!

  9. So here it is….
    I don’t think I’ll use that name for the business when the time comes (I don’t want to incorporate flowers into that title), but it works for my blog since I’ll post about baking and flowers. Thanks for all the ideas!

  10. Yea for Julie! She came up with a winner!

  11. […] be sending a treat to someone.  Comments get you entries 🙂  I already owe one treat from the blog naming contest, so it looks like I have a good excuse to bake this week!  Comment […]

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